How to save on building materials: 10 practical tips for those who make repairs

How to save on building materials: 10 practical tips for those who make repairs

How to save on repairs?

Repair – costly event. How to plan everything so that invest in the budget? On what can you save? These issues ever wondered who faced with the repair “a disaster.” There are several tips to help you survive it with minimal financial losses.

1. Precise calculations

It is important to know how much and what materials you will need for repair

First of all, before repair is necessary to calculate the amount of materials needed. Just think about the practical side and stay on the options that are really expensive.

2. Actions and sales


Do not ignore the stock and sales, they can find a lot of interesting

At times during the sales in DIY storesYou can find a lot of interesting and high-quality materials at an affordable price. Here, as in clothing stores, try to update the range with the arrival of the new season, or after an update of certain collections.

3. All at once!



Better to buy all the material in one shop

If possible, you should try to buy all the building materials in one shop. Usually in big supermarkets on the large purchase, there are certain discounts or promotion.

4. Align wall

When repairing a lot of effort, money and time is spenton the alignment of the walls, their putty and papering. In this process, too, can be saved. For example, bare brickwork, or used for inexpensive decorative plaster finishes.


Brick wall in the interior looks stylish

5. An alternative to wallpaper

Walls that do not require alignment possiblepaint, saving the wallpaper. After all, high-quality wallpapers with good performance are many. For these purposes it is better to use acrylic Paints & Stains of various shades. They dry quickly and they do not emit an unpleasant odor.

Today, you can choose the paint for every taste and color

6. If you can not do without the wallpaper

Despite the popularity of paint, wallpaper ystill remains a lot of fans. The most economical to choose wallpaper without pattern or with small images, so the material consumption will be less. Textured paintable wallpaper will save on the lining of the walls and in the future will help to change the look of the room without major alterations. In addition, these wallpapers can be cleaned, which makes them indispensable for the interiors, where the children live.

Wallpaper with a neutral pattern, which is the minimum flow rate

7. Ceramic Tricks

Ceramic tiles can not be called budgetmaterial, but without it, sometimes just can not do, especially in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Save on it will be possible, if only to decorate those parts which gets wet – at the sink, in the bath, on a kitchen apron, at the corners of the bathroom. The rest area is desirable to cover the paint. Tiles can also be combined or used battered ceramics to create an interesting mosaic panel. In order to save, in the bathroom plastic panels can be used instead of a ceramic tile.

Partial decor bathroom tiles room

8. Soft and warm floor

Carpeting allow great save on changepacket. Of course, this option is not the best solution for the kitchen or bathroom, but in the bedroom, nursery or living room it will look appropriate. The only thing that places the most active and crowded it is not necessary to lay carpet with a high pile.


Carpets make interior is very cozy

9. Laminate: to be or not to be?

Do not avoid this kind of flooring. The most durable in its class laminate is 32-33 class. It is durable and will last longer than other options. As for color, it should avoid imitation of expensive wood – it looks cheap. The simpler and more natural looking coverage, the better.

It is necessary to choose a durable laminate 32-33 class

10. Porcelain

One of the most popular materials today -granite. It is not cheap, but it is also very practical. That is why they decorate the kitchen and bathrooms. Even among low-cost collections of porcelain can be found successful imitation wood and natural stone. The most advantageous option is a granite or marble onyx. He will make the interior a noble and elegant.

Porcelain tiles in the interior

Wallpapers and tiles from the past also repairsuseful, because they can make decorative panels in the style of patchwork. The most interesting ideas we have gathered in the review “The decor, which does not hit on the budget: patchwork in the interior.”



